Welcome to ED Creative, your freelance creative and audio agency providing high quality content and proactive customer service

E D Creative, Forge Lane, Congleton.

November 2023

Stay in. Work out. Get up. Hunker down. Work through. Carry on. Cuddle in. Let go. Breathe in. Breathe out. Life has become a seemingly endless mechanical motion of daily duplication in which we rise up with hope and positivity within one moment; and then sink down into anxiety and concern with barely a

Communication, connection and community have become something we have a new-found respect for over the last year. For so long we have taken for granted the conversations, the coffee dates, the meetings, the chance to escape the office. It really is true that you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone! And

I got lost down a social media rabbit hole last week. Laughing and cringing at photos of my teenaged-self figuring out her place in the world personally and professionally. Those awkward years of trying to be liked, be funnier, be smarter, be… more. And yet, as I can now look back and laugh at